Do you worry about how safe you are in your home? Burglaries, home invasions, fires and natural disasters are common concerns for homeowners, but you don't have to live in fear. Advances in technology have taken home security to a whole new level, creating systems capable of monitoring every nook…
Today many people consider it mandatory to have a good home security system. No matter where you live, there is always the risk of a break-in. A well-designed system can deter the vast majority of burglars, who would prefer to enter a house without any kind of security. To help you choose the best…
The purchase of a Diy home security system is a cost-effective way of protecting you and your family. The experts all agree that having an alarm system installed makes you less likely to be victimized by burglaries, home invasions, and a host of other crimes. Unfortunately, many homeowners get…
Peepholes, and door viewers are some of the most cost-effective home security upgrades you can make. These easy to install inexpensive devices can prevent home invasions and robberies by allowing you to screen visitors without the risk to your safety of opening your door. However, getting the most…
There were well over one million residential burglaries in this country last year. Many of these crimes could have been prevented with a simple to install, inexpensive door alarm. While these devices are not a replacement for a professionally installed home security system, they can definitely…
It shouldn’t be all that surprising to learn that the vast majority of burglars gain access to homes through either your front door or a first-floor window. Which means you’ll want to take some proactive steps to secure these potential entry points. The simple to Install window alarm are one of the…
Any lock can be defeated under laboratory conditions, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to thwart most would-be burglars and thieves. There are a number of features that can render a lock virtually impenetrable to most attacks, and you can even purchase a few accessories that will shore up your…
Generally speaking, your average residential mailbox does not come with any security features. This means it is fairly easy for an identity thief to get access to your personal information by simply stealing your mails. Most thieves will look for items such as financial statements, money, checks,…
There are few things more effective at deterring a nighttime burglary than a motion activated outdoor security light. When properly installed these devices totally eliminate the hiding spots around your property that criminals rely on. For those currently considering buying a security light, you are…
Fireproof safes are an inexpensive solution for anyone looking to protect their valuables from fire and theft. While some of your possessions are safer in a safe-deposit box at a bank, you may want to safeguard important documents and valuables at home. Items such as tax records, passports, birth…
Fire blankets are a cost effective, but often under-utilized tool for extinguishing small fires around the home. They work by cutting off the oxygen a fire needs to burn. When shopping for a fire blanket you will be faced with options ranging from the type and quality of flame-resistant material…
If you are currently considering the purchase of a new fire extinguisher, you have probably faced with the vast array of available choices. There are at least five well known national brands, each offering models with varying combinations of extinguishing agents, sizes and ratings. Unfortunately,…
Smoke detectors are essential in any fire-safety plan for your home. By having the right detectors in your home, you make it easier to minimize fire damage and to save the lives of you and your loved ones should a fire ever break out at home. Choose the right detectors for your home and begin…
Knowing about the potential dangers and causes of carbon monoxide poisoning is not enough. As a responsible homeowner, you need to take the next step and invest in an effective means of protecting yourself and family against this silent killer. This requires the purchase, and proper installation of…
One of the best investments a homeowner can make is the purchase the purchase of a portable fire escape ladder. These largely under-utilized life saving devices allow the occupants of a multi story home to safely exit from the second or third story windows should any of the primary points of egress…
iEvac EBP 900 – America’s Only Certified Smoke Hood/Fire Mask for a Reason. It is essential that every household should take responsibility for their own safety. This means installing smoke and carbon monoxide monitors on every floor of their house and, if the house has multiple stories, having an…
A lot of people would want to bring with them a stun gun wherever they go. This is because it increases how safe they feel, without having to carry a real gun, which not everybody agrees with. Manufacturers are meeting this demand, while at the same time considering how useful it would be to add a…
More and more people are looking to protect themselves by investing in a stun gun. So much so, in fact, that there has been a huge boom in the market, and manufacturers are coming up with new methods of developing a stun gun that is better than anything else that is already out there. One of those…
The Guardline DA1000 is a perfect driveway alarm for homes and businesses alike. It is very user friendly and gives you instant motion detection security in your property. It comes with an AC adaptor, but it can also run on batteries. It has a very compact receiver that can be placed anywhere you…
A good home security system can offer you peace of mind and an added layer of protection. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, an estimated 1,515,096 burglaries happened in the U.S. in 2016 for total property losses of $3.6 billion. The National Council for Home Safety and Security…
A desire for absolute safety at home presents concerns to anyone whose windows provide vulnerabilities that intruders can exploit. An unlawful entry does far more than break the law; it destroys the sanctity of a home that lets everyone feel protected and safe. Once a breach occurs, only the most…
A securely locked front door presents an image of safety and strength. As a bulwark against the perils that bring harm or a welcome beacon for family and friends, it offers entry into the heart of a home. A traditional symbol that protects togetherness and shared quietude, it deserves respect for…
Most homes have as many as 15 locations that can benefit from a security camera. In the right place, it only takes one. Recently, a hapless burglar in Tampa was recorded walking around a living room picking up objects in full view of a security camera that captured his every move. Police got quick…
The experts are constantly preaching the gospel of home security lighting and its effectiveness as a deterrent to crime. On the surface, this advice appears to make perfect sense. Criminals prefer to work under the cover of darkness; therefore, a well-lit property should deter criminal activity. A…
Choosing the right safe for your home – Burglary resistant and fire rated safes as part of home security. Without ever having set foot in your home a criminal probably already knows three important things about you. The first is that you keep some sort of cash and jewelry laying around the house.…
According to the U.S. Fire Administration, almost 381,000 American homes experienced a fire in 2015. Residential property fires accounted for more than 74 percent of all fire deaths and approximately 75 percent of all injuries. Although preventing a fire is always the best option, it is also…
Stay safe on the street with our proven self defense tips & techniques – Although violent crimes have been on the decrease in recent years, robberies, rapes and murders still occur on a fairly regular basis. During a typical month, U.S. criminals commit about 93,000 violent offenses, with the…
Natural disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes and snowstorms could leave you and your loved ones without food, water or power for days. Other events like power outages and civil unrest have the potential to cut you off from the rest of the world. Emergency preparedness is an essential part of staying…
The very fact that you are visiting this page tells me that you are either hopelessly lost, or must really want to know more about me, or this fabulous site. For those of you that are not lost, my name is Perry, and I am the author, editor, webmaster and creative genius behind As…
Be Safe With These Outstanding Home Security Tips - If you have wondered what to do about your home security needs, then now is the time to settle this ordeal. You want to know your many options, and you are in the right place. Do not let the options out there or the advertising overwhelm you or…
Amcrest IP2M-841 Review – A Clear Winner in Security Cameras.Lots of people want to feel safer at home and install security cameras. So much so, in fact, that people now use them both outdoors and indoors. There are so many different cameras to choose from, however, that it can be a bit difficult to…
When attempting to determine the best flashlight you are able to use make sure you actually give things like buying because when you put it down you don’t want it rolling away from you, one that’s equipped with a head design some thought. It’s important to locate a flashlight that creates when you…
If an emergency occurs and forces evacuation, the bug-out-bag (BOB) is your ticket to survival for at least three days. Although people know it by various names, its use is the same for everyone. This is an emergency survival backpack that is ready to go at a moment’s notice. Bug Out – The name is…
Once you know the difference between an emergency radio and a radio you’ll understand the method by which the difference can be critical to the security of your family. FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) has advocated an emergency preparedness kit including significant items that families…
Whether natural or man made, no part of this country is totally safe from the effects of a disaster. Terror assault, earthquake, hurricane, winter storm or tornado are just a couple cases of emergencies which could necessitate the need to have emergency water supply and an emergency food supply…
First aid kits come in different shapes, sizes and prices. They are available as pre-packaged kits designed for specific purposes, such as for the home, pets, auto, camping, boating, golfing, welding, landscaping, trucking, logging, burn care, bloodborne pathogen, emergency response, industrial,…
A healthy source of drinking water is the single most important item to have on hand in the likely event of an emergency or disaster, second only to breathable air. Food, of course, would be second on the most needed items in natural or human-made disasters or emergency. In most cases, after a…
There is no such thing as a survival knife. Knives have been called that and have been marketed that way — as some kind of magical tool that will save your ass in some unlikely situation. But that idea is inherently flawed. Sure, some general knife characteristics are more desirable for use in the…
Hopefully, your car is already equipped with a roadside emergency kit. Having this kit can help you get back on the highway quickly or keep you safe if you’re stranded for a short while due to a vehicle breakdown. But are you prepared to weather a natural disaster that strikes while you’re in your…
No one likes to think about emergencies and the devastation they can potentially have on our lives, but the fact is that they do occur, and often unexpectedly. You and your family should always have an emergency preparedness plan in place, regardless of whether you’re facing a natural or man-made…
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